Fay (8 Dec 2019)
"Indian Ocean War Drills. Hanukkah!"

Hi John and Doves,

Russia and China are gong to be conducting war drills, together with Iran. This major drill will begin on December 22nd - which is the first day of Hanukkah 2019 - and will end on January 20th, 2020. The drills will be conducted in the northern parts of the Indian Ocean. Which, dear Doves, is right up by the Strait of Hormuz and the Suez Canal. Way too close for comfort. Even if their intention is not to start a major war - the conditions will be perfect for "accidents" or "mistakes". Please see the 1st link for details.

In the 2nd link, Amir Tsarfati gives information on the horrific slaughter of protesters happening in Iran. Amir says these protests are even worse than the protests that deposed the Shah and ushered in the Ayatollah's in 1979. Iraq and Lebanon are suffering similar protests and it's clear these are not going away anytime soon. A major way to divert attention from this major threat to their power?  Start a big war with Israel. It's the perfect foil.

Ezekiel 38 tells us that all the nations will be gathered in the ME at that time. NATO alone encompasses many different nations. ISIS is made up of mercenaries from all over the world. American forces are there in large numbers (Syria) and the Abraham Lincoln transited the Strait of Hormuz a few weeks ago. The Russians are there in droves. We can now add China to the mix!!  Amir noted that many European countries have signed a pact to bypass the US sanctions in order to continue doing business with Iran. The wretched EU is fully on board with doing business with Iran.

It won't take much for it all to kick off. Heads-Up, Doves.

Descendants of Gog & Magog Join Russia, Iran in Joint Military Drill

Amir Tsarfati: Middle East Update, December 2, 2019