John and Doves,
I cannot emphasise how
important this is. It is a FIRST! We all know that the Jewish
people have been blinded in part - for our sake. The NAME has
been hidden from Rabbi G....until now. PLEASE bear with the
video clip in the link as our LORD's Name has been revealed in
the codes. I am quite, quite sure that Rabbi G must have done a
double-take to see THE NAME, Yeshua - in the codes. Rabbi G
translates it, correctly, to mean "Salvation" - which is what
Yeshua actually means. However, the NAME must have given Rabbi G
pause for thought - at the very least !!!! Go through the clip
as it is all important. The first time Rabbi G points out the
Name is around the 4 minute mark. I could NOT believe my ears
and eyes ! The 2nd time he mentions Yeshua (Salvation) is at the
5.40 mark. He mentions the Name again, a few seconds later. You
have GOT to watch and listen carefully. Adar 14th is in the
codes. Which is March 10th - Purim 2020 !!
The NAME, Yeshua, is mentioned
again at around the 8.12 mark. Rabbi G keeps translating it as
as Salvation but we KNOW the Name. Rabbi G says it...Yeshua.
More than once ! *Doing a dance with a dustbin on my head, cigar
in mouth - champagne bottle clutched in hand*.
Again - I recommend watching
the short video clip several times, to get the full impact. Our
LORD is coming. HE is at the door. Hallelujah.
We can't wait to see YOU,LORD
Jesus. To be with YOU.
Maranatha, LORD Jesus.