Fay (22 Dec 2019)
"The Fig Tree. Blood plus Super Moons 2019"

Hi John and Doves,

We had a super blood moon on Tu B'Shevat 2019. Tu B'Shevat being the New Year for trees. Pointing us in the direction of our LORD's parable in Luke 13: 6-9. I am thinking the blood moon on January 21st, 2019 (Tu B'Shevat) was a one year warning that the unfruitful fig tree (Israel) was going to be cut down - a la Ezekiel 38. 

Then we had a super moon highlighting Purim Katan. February 19th, 2019. Then another super moon on Purim on March 21st, 2019.

Almighty God signalled that Israel is about to be "cut down" and that it would involve the same enemies in the story of Purim. Persia = Iran. We watchmen were given the signs. Almighty God did not provide those signs for no reason.

We can take it to the bank that an attack on Israel is on the horizon...Unless a miracle happens and Israel suddenly repents...en mass. Returning to the Torah and the Law of Moses. I struggle to see this happening though. Not with the "free transport" stuff on the Sabbath. Most people don't realise the enormity of this desecration..Israel will be forced to repent, That is almost a given.

Tu B'Shevat falls on February 9th/10th, 2020. Only one Purim in 2020 and it falls on March 9th/10th, 2020.

This is all for Israel. What it means for us, we can only speculate. But we sure as heck can have a cracking good idea !! Hallelujah.

Luke 13:6-9 ESV - - Bible Gateway