Bob Ware (22 Dec 2019)
"3rd to 4th of January 2020 spans the 1189th day of current 305th Jewish calendar cycle"

From sunset of 3 January 2020 to sunset of 4 January 2020 is the 1189th day of current 305th Jewish calendar cycle. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. During a portion of 4 January 2020 in Israel it will still be 3 January 2020 in the United States.


In my attached diagram 3 January 2020 is located 373 days prior to the date at the top of the blue circle with a circumference of 2368 (the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’). 373 is the Greek gematria for ‘WORD’.


From the start of the 304th Jewish calendar cycle on 2 October 1997 to 3 January 2020 will be 8128 days. 8128 is the fourth perfect number. 8128 equals 2368 (‘JESUS CHRIST’) plus 5760. The 5760th day since the Winter Solstice of 5760 (22 December 1999) was 28 September 2015. The fourth Blood Moon eclipse of the last Tetrad occurred on 28 September 2015. 28 September 2015 fell at the base of the upward pointing triangle in the violet ‘Circle of Christ’ with a diameter of 1480.


3 January 2020 is the 811th day from the date at the base of the blue circle with a circumference of 2368 (14 October 2017). It was 811 days from the start of the 304th Jewish calendar cycle on 2 October 1997 to the Winter Solstice of 5760 (22 December 1999). I was led by the Holy Spirit to number the last days for the Body of Christ from 22 December 1999.


I will be watching 3 January 2020.