A Goodrick (22 Dec 2019)
"Interesting Insights"

John and Doves,
In case anyone missed  these points of view:

"This is not a Coincidence"
by Chance

"Many are called into His body; Few are chosen out of it"
by Doug L
Very well explained. 

"There are only two kinds of people"
by Bill A

Yes Bill, after the Midnight Rapture there will only be two kinds of people. Yet-- as Doug L points out-- right now there are 3 kinds of people...
the called, 
the chosen, 
and those left behind.

After the Midnight Rapture, there will only be 2 kinds of people:
those who get Right,
and those who get Left.

For those who get Right, they still have a chance for the Cockcrowing Rapture.


The Midnight Rapture is getting closer every day.
Praise God!

In Jesus,
A. Goodrick