Lynnette (30 Dec 2018)

Dear John & Five Doves, 

Let's be prayerful :) Several things are scheduled New Year's Eve.
Many Churches will be having Watch services & be in prayer on  New Year's Eve :) 
Some churches celebrate by hosting a gathering for prayers  / sermon / meal. 
Some churches will live stream their church services.
My church will meet earlier in the evening for an extended  prayer service.
Another lady  stays at home & prays in the NEW YEAR each year :) 

Either way we can keep in mind, with  all that is happening in the World , Luke's Gospel,  Chapter  21, especially 
Luke 21:28 28When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

PS . here is a link to the Times Square Countdown Clock :

Let's Keep Looking UP ,  Lynnette 
Perhaps  Lisa Leenies' numbers 11192 will have meaning
 on that  interesting  date  :) at   11 hrs :19min :20 secs  in the countdown.