The last day of 2018 has always been an intriguing date. Here is another instance ...Obama's Birthday is Aug. 4 1961 (Day 6x6x6 or Gregorian day 216).From that day, counting exactly 666 months is Feb 4 , 2017.(55 years and 6 months).From Feb 4, 2017 add 666 days is Dec 2 ,2018 , the First day of Hanukkah.Jn 10:22.From Dec 2, 2018 add 666 hours is Dec 30, 2018.From Dec 30, 2018 add 666 minutes is Dec 31, 2018.From Dec 31, 2018 add 666 seconds is ??? (Kislev 24). Haggai 2:18
Perhaps the holy text which states:" Here is wisdom...Let him who has understanding...calculate...".... has more meaning hidden than just identifying a man ?