Greg Wilson (2 Dec 2018)
"Daniel's 70th Week:  Divine or Satanic Covenant? Divine!"


Greg Wilson (2 December 2018)

Daniel's 70th Week:  Divine or Satanic Covenant?



Is this covenant a Satanic covenant, the illustrious one, often referred to a future peace treaty?  If it is why is there absolutely no mention of this satanic covenant in the Book of Revelation?


Is this covenant a Divine covenant, the illusive one, which has blinded the ministers of Church Age eschatological doctrine?  Do we see a divine covenant in the Book of Revelation?  The answer is "Yes". 


So what does this mean?  It means that Daniel's covenant remains concealed to the latter days Church.  The latter day Church fathers would have you looking for a Satanic covenant/peace treaty and the Antichrist, including his wars against Israel, eg. Ezekiel 38, Psalm 17 and Psalm 83.  We should be looking for the blessed hope, the purifying hope.  Now,  I believe that the Ezekiel 38 stage is being set and therefore, the end of the Church is near.  But what are we to do?


We are told not to look for signs. (1 Corinthians 1:22-24) Jesus told His Jewish brethren to watch for the end of time signs, but Paul instructs the Church to avoid this temptation instead "preaching Christ crucified"!  The Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13 signs are for the Jews following the departure of Christ's own at the Resurrection/Rapture event, which precedes the Time of Jacob's Trouble, Daniel's 70th week and the events of the Book of Revelation.


What is Daniel's covenant?  There is one covenant which was deferred or suspended.  Paul tells us in Galatians 3 that this covenant was not annulled.  It is comprised of the promises to Abraham.


You must understand that God's promises to Abraham speak to two paths to redemption, both of which are in Christ.  The Church finds a Pentecostal salvation in Christ, as the Son of Promise in this Age.  Following this Age, Jacob or Israel will find redemption in Christ following the 7-years of Daniel's 70th week.  Paul tells us this fact in Romans 9:27 and Romans 11:27.  Paul confirms that "remnant Israel's salvation is "covenant related".  Read Romans 11:27.  Paul cited Isaiah 59:20-21.  Romans 11:27 happens in the context of Daniel's 70th week.  So, Paul directs us to Daniel 9:27 and its covenant.  Isaiah says that [Jesus] was given as a "covenant of the people".  He is the personification of God's promises, incarnate.    Why does Paul alter Isaiah's proper name for Jesus in Romans 11:26?  Paul substitutes Isaiah's use of the word "Redeemer" for "Deliverer".  Because he is prophetically  declaring that Jesus will deliver remnant Israel during Daniel's 70th week!  This future deliverance will be covenant based salvation.  The Redeemer finished His work in Daniel 9:26 and will return for His brethren in Daniel 9:27, fulfilling God's promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the fathers' sakes and the sake of God's Holy Name.


Paul tells us Israel's salvation during Daniel's 70th week is associated with God's covenant. (Romans 11:27)  Salvation for remnant Israel during Daniel's week is covenant based.  Look at Revelation 12:10 where Jesus says, "Now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God and the power of Christ..."  Remnant Israel will overcome the "accuser of our brethren [Israel] by the "blood of the Lamb" and by the word of their testimony".  Now go read Revelation 12:17 and 14:12 and 20:4-5.  Christ will save remnant Israel during Daniel's 70th week based on His covenant promises to Abraham in Jacob.  Read Isaiah 59:21 in its proper context which is Daniel 9:27.   Moses was really clear about God's promises to Israel.  Just before Israel passed over the Jordan river, Israel had to confirm this covenant in Deuteronomy 29:12-14. This was the "Moab confirmation".   Moses was sure to confirm that this covenant was subject to the oath of God (Genesis 22:16; 1Chronicles 16:16-17; Psalm 105:8-11).  The Abrahamic covenant was subject to a "divine oath".  It is a very special blood covenant. (Genesis 15:17-18)  The Psalmist says, "For he remembered his holy promise, and Abraham his servant." (Psalm 105:42)


When Joshua led Israel across the Jordan following the Moab confirmation of the covenant, God reinstituted or brought Israel back into the "bond of the covenant" by requiring that all males born in the wilderness wandering were circumcised.  Israel failed to keep this covenant sign for 40 years. (Genesis 17:14) They did this at Gilgal. (Joshua 5:2-5)  Crossing the River Jordan was a type of baptism representing death, burial and resurrection following by circumcision.   Interestingly, the crossing point at the River Jordan, known as Bethabarah, is the same location where Christ was baptized. (John 1:28) It is also a crossing point of Jesus during the Second Advent as He will proceed to save remnant Israel, those who will have keep God's commandments, have the testimony of Jesus, have not taken the "mark of the beast" and endured to the end. (Joshua 10:13;Habakkuk 3:11; Zechariah 14:3) Now, I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises unto the fathers. (Romans 15:8)


Moses stated that this covenant which Israel confirmed prior crossing River Jordan included the future house of Jacob, remnant Israel of Romans 9:27 and Isaiah 10:21-23. (Deuteronomy 29:15)  This is the remnant of Jacob represented in Daniel 9:27 in the group identified as the "many" or multitude of remnant Israel. 


What does Ezekiel say about Israel's end of days restoration?  He says, among other things, in Chapter 20, that He will bring them (remnant Israel) into the bond of the covenant (verse 37).   In the OT there is one covenant which has been consistently subject to "confirmation".  See Genesis 22:16, 1 Chronicles 16:16-17 and Psalm 105:9-10.  


Now, think about Ezekiel's use of the term "bond of the covenant".  It is a covenant which has been subject to the "Oath of God"!   Look at the six results of Daniel's prophecy in verse 24. One result of Daniel's prophecy is that it brings in "everlasting righteousness".   Do you think that a Satanic covenant would bring in "everlasting righteousness". (Matthew 12:25-26)  Don't get me wrong. There will be a "league" with the High Priest which will result in the abomination of desolation.  We have that typology in Daniel 11. 


I simply believe that Daniel's 27th verse covenant is "God's bond of covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".  It had been deferred.  See Galatians 3:15.  That covenant was not annulled, just deferred, pending the end of the Church Age.   It is the covenant which dispensationally transitions from the Church Age into the seven years of tribulation.


Now, Daniel 9 was sealed.  It is my view that the true nature of the covenant is still sealed  to most people.  Let God be true! Let every man be a liar.(Romans 3:4) His truth is prevailing and has prevailed.   You know, the Hebrew root for this word "confirm" is "gabar". It is used once in the OT.  Its root means mighty.  This is one of our Lord's names......."Mighty God"!   The verb "to confirm" in this verse is one of many clues to the true nature of the Confirmer.   The title "Almighty" is used nine (9) times in the Book of Revelation and only once in the NT at 2 Corinthians 6:18.   See Zephaniah 3:17.


The theme of Daniel 9 emphasis God's covenant keeping character in His name Jehovah.  This theme must direct the inquiry into the nature of the "confirmed covenant".  Daniel has 12 chapters, but Daniel only used God's covenant name "Jehovah" in Chapter 9 and he used it seven (7) times.  How is that for thematic emphasis!  How then shall we end the greatest "end of days" prophecy emphasizing a Satanic covenant?  Daniel's 70 Weeks prophecy is arguably the most important prophecy in the OT and certainly in our day.   Does Daniel 9:27 testify to Satan's demonic activity in the context of the confirmed covenant?


Think about this:  The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. (Rev 19:10)  All Scripture testifies to Jesus in some manner.  Daniel's prophecy was frequently referred to by Jesus, even its number 70x7 in the context of forgiveness. (Matthew 18:22)   Would Jesus quote a prophecy which contained a Satanic covenant associated with forgiveness and "everlasting righteousness"?   Isaiah says that He [Jesus] was given as a "covenant of the people" (Isaiah 42:6)   Jesus is the personification of God's covenants!  


Now, I ask you: What business has a satanic covenant in the context of the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham and the restoration of remnant Israel prior to the Millennial kingdom?


My answer is NONE!


Daniel 9:27 finds its full expression during the last seven years.  The details of these seven years are contained in the Book of Revelation.   Chapter 1 begins with Jesus Christ and Chapter 22 concludes with the Throne of God and the Lamb.   Would you agree that Daniel's 70th week necessarily, following this "beginning and end" pattern begins with "the Almighty God" confirming (once again) His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and concluding with His wrath being poured out at the Second Advent. 


Thereby, Daniel's 70 Weeks prophecy will be accomplished, as determined upon thy people [Israel] and upon thy holy city [Jerusalem], to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.


"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. (Revelation 22:21)


Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:  Fear [humbly revere, honor, and love] God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)