Gino (9 Dec 2018)
"RE: Garry B: 12.02.18: seven years"

That was very powerful!
You had written,
Watch for the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, DO NOT WATCH FOR THE APPEARING OF THE ANTI-CHRIST !!!
I couldn't agree with you more.
The scriptures do not admonish us to set our affections on things below,
nor do they say, "Lower your heads; for your misery draweth nigh"
We are to be looking for that blessed hope, not looking for a cursed hopelessness
Where is our heart? Where is our attention? Is it with the Savior or with the beast?

Matthew 12:34b  for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Unfortunately, if I spend more time talking about the antichrist, than I do about Jesus Christ,
what does that say about what my heart is filled with?

Also, when the covenant is mentioned in Daniel 9:27, why do so many suddenly change the definition,
from the covenant described in Exodus through Deuteronomy, and mentioned many more times after that,
changed to a peace treaty or a strong military agreement?
Why would the meaning of the covenant suddenly have to change to meet a preconceived prophetic scenario?
Why not let the scriptures speak of prophecy, rather than forcing scriptures to say what we want it to say?
Anyway, there have been also a number of people over the centuries,
who have even wondered if the first half of Daniel's 70th week was fulfilled in Jesus' earthly ministry,
and that by his crucifixion and resurrection, he has caused the acceptance of animal sacrifices to cease.
I also mentioned that additional thought, because the prophecy teaching of a 7-year antichrist peace treaty, is not believed by everyone.