The Bible does NOT contain a single Scripture that speaks of a seven-year reign of the anti-Christ, or of a seven-year anti-Christ peace treaty, or of a seven-year tribulation. These are mistaken extrapolations taken from the Scriptures, by misguided men, which have been repeated over and over until they became popularized false doctrine widely accepted in the churches.
It is a scam perpetrated upon Christians and the Church by Satan. Instead of "watching" for the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, AS CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE, most misinformed Christians are now "watching" for the appearing of the anti-Christ to make a seven-year peace treaty which they mistakenly believe will then begin the seven-year tribulation. Satan is laughing his head off at Christians who believe in his clever deception.
Revelation 12:9 ...."that serpent of old called the devil or Satan WHO DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD."
Absolutely no where in the Bible is there a Scripture that speaks of a seven-year, or an eighty-four month, or a 2,520 day-long period of time concerning Satan, the anti-Christ, or the tribulation; but there are several Scriptures that speak of a three and one-half year, and a forty-two month, and a 1,260 day-long period of time concerning Satan, the anti-Christ and the tribulation. Read Daniel 12:7, and Revelation 12:6. and Revelation 12:14, and Revelation 13:5.
Watch for the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, DO NOT WATCH FOR THE APPEARING OF THE ANTI-CHRIST !!!
Come Lord Jesus