Fay (9 Dec 2018)
"Terrifying - Another thing Revealed"

This is evil operating at a level that is truly terrifying. Please watch the video clip in the link. Notice how Lebanon keeps cropping up in the narrative. After watching this, I have honestly concluded that WW3 is visible on the horizon. It has to be. With Russia siding with these despicable criminals - the ENTIRE world is at risk. I exaggerate not. Please also note the route of the cycle of money laundering (done through the drug trade) that flows through South America - back through north Africa, Europe etc. The video gives a great animation of this. It gave me chills as it puts a whole new light on the caravan trying to invade the USA through it's Southern borders. I am willing to bet that this has been organised by this very cartel via it's South American cohorts. The common denominator in all this is Hezbollah..... who are financed by Iran - who is backed by Russia.

How much money has been paid into the pockets of politicians of major nations, who insist on clinging to the Iran nuclear deal? These politicians are very well aware of all this stuff - laid out in the video clip. They have declared Hezbollah as a terrorist group yet despite knowing that Hezbollah is financed by Iran, these leaders in Europe insist on clinging to the Iran nuclear deal. They cannot believe that it will halt Iran's nuclear ambitions. That would be blessing them with the naivete of Bambi or the stupidity of a boneless garden slug. They are neither naive nor stupid. They are greedy and corrupt. And evil.

Please come soon, LORD Jesus.

Hezbollah's Narco-Jihad: Here's How It Happened