Fay (9 Dec 2018)
"Hanukkah - Interesting Dates"

I got this great article off the Unsealed.org website. The entire article is a fantastic read, but it was a certain date that hit me between the eyes. December 25th, 164 BC is when the Jewish people rededicated the Temple - Hanukkah. Huh! December 25th!!! This got me thinking about the date that Paul (not the apostle) mentioned in his video clip I posted last week re the reenactment of the daily offering on the last day of Hanukkah this year, plus all the signs building up to the rapture. I will link it below FYI. Paul pointed out that it was Hanukkah on the day that Allenby took Jerusalem in 1917. That day was December 9th, 1917.

The Hebrew calendar hops around the dates on our Gregorian calendar, as we know. It just gave me pause for thought when I saw the Gregorian calendar dates for these momentous, historical happenings on Hanukkah. Could Christmas Day be a possible important date to watch if we are not taken yet? December 9th is what I am praying and hoping for as it is fits bang on with the Hebrew calendar of Hanukkah, 2018.

Advent and Hanukkah ramblings

Hanukkah, Peace Deal & 3rd Temple - The Rapture is Imminent!