the link is a short little video clip explaining very clearly
from scripture, why this is true Under 7 minutes, the clip is
well worth your time.
Deserving and faithful Jewish people will be taken
into the LORD's protection. The Mount of Olives. People left on
earth will suffer great tribulation from then on. It is the
LORD's desire that none are lost so people are going to HAMMERED
to get them to repent. I re-read the Book of Revelation
yesterday and it seems obvious that the stubborn, who refuse to
repent, must be of pretty low intelligence.....riddled with
evil. We also know that there are not going to be a lot of
people around. Jerusalem plays a big role in the Great
Tribulation as this is where the two witnesses will preach from.
Therefore - most of the action will still be taking place in the
Middle East. Of course - the rest of the world will be in chaos
and the mark of the beast will have to be implemented in an
effort to restore order.
I still believe that the mark of the beast is
something to do with Islam. This is the beast that will be the
common denominator in the Gog / Magog war. As all true Bible
believing Christians won't be on earth - Islam will be the
driving force. Almighty God tells us that He cannot help someone
who has willingly taken the mark of the beast. That simply MUST
mean that the LORD cannot accept someone who has willingly
accepted a false god........... despite all the evidence that
the LORD has presented to them. I find it difficult to believe
that an RFID chip will be the mark of the beast. With all the
destruction and chaos going on, I can't see loads of computers
being around. The world will be reduced to rubble on the Day of
the LORD. It may well be that people will be engaging in a sort
of barter system. They will need to register and wear arm or
headbands with the name of Allah written on them. This will be
true of the western world as well as we are already being
flooded with muslim "refugees". They are in place, in our midst,
and not restricted to the Middle East anymore. Interestingly -
the caravan threatening the USA border will most likely hold a
lot of Roman Catholics too. Tying into the idea that the Pope
may step onto the world stage, claiming to be God.
I might be very wrong about the mark of the beast
stuff but it's interesting to try and figure out. Enjoy the will give you great clarity.
Rapture and the Day of the Lord are on the Same Day