about all these agreements and pacts that PM Netanyahu is making
with various Arab nations immediately brought to mind Isaiah 28.
It really changes your perspective when seeing the latest
developments through Almighty God's eyes. Almighty God has
always begged Israel to trust Him and Him alone. We see it
throughout Biblical history. And each time that Israel disobeys,
they suffer the consequences. This time is no different. The
leaders of modern day Israel have done the Jewish people few
favours. They cannot access their place of worship - the Temple
Mount. And even when they had the chance to completely take
possession of the Temple Mount in 1967, the Israeli leaders
balked and handed it back to Islamic control. What the blazes
was THAT all about? It boggles the mind. The Jewish people were
then uprooted to make way for Gaza etc. You all know the murky,
upsetting history. Hear what the LORD has to say about these
latest pacts and agreements that PM Netanyahu is making with
Death and Hades in Isaiah 28. Bear in mind the description of
the pale (green; chlorus) horse in Revelation 6:8 when reading
Isaiah 28. Also remember the pale green horse that appeared on
camera in Egypt in 2011. The start of the so-called Arab Spring.
I totally believe that the LORD was leaving us watchmen with no
doubt as to who the pale horse represents......Islam. Here is
the description of the pale horse in Revelation 6:8 - followed
by Isaiah 28. Bracketed observations are mine.
6:8.....I looked, and there before me was a pale (green) horse.
It's rider was named Death and Hades was following close behind
him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth by sword,
famine and plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.
28:14.....Therefore, hear the word of the LORD, you scoffers who
rule this people in Jerusalem. You boast, " We have entered into
a covenant with death and with the realm of the dead (pale horse
- Death and Hades) we have made an agreement. When an
overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us for we have
made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.
I have
linked the whole of Isaiah 28 below as it is well worth reading
it through in view of current developments. I understand that
President Trump is attempting to bring peace to Israel. Whether
this is because he needs Israel as an ally in that murky part of
the world and is ignorant of the scriptures and commands of
Almighty God....... or, he is part of the AC
movement..........only time will tell. I will say this - only a
true Bible believing Christian would know NOT to mess with
Israel and encourage them to sign agreements with Islam. It
wouldn't even be an option. Therefore, I question the
advice the POTUS is receiving from Pence and the other Christian
advisers. It appears to be very worldly advice - having no basis
on the LORD's commands. Ditto for the leaders of Israel.