Fay (2 Dec 2018)
"Hanukkah - This is HUGE"

Dear John -  Doves - I am deliciously excited after watching this you tube clip. You will LOVE it (if you haven't seen it already). There is so much information throughout. It's a slow burner but the flames are leaping by the end. Mind blowing information. From beginning to end. From around the 20 minute mark - the fire is positively roaring. I advise not to skip as the build up is utterly delicious. The only part I disagree with is the assumption that the 3rd Temple will be built by human hands. This lovely man of God actually quotes Amos 9:11 where God declares that HE will raise up the Tabernacle of David that is fallen. Anyhoo - that is by the by. This you tube clip is the BEST I've ever seen regarding the nearness of the Rapture.

The 2nd link is re the massive news of the reenactment of the daily offering, planned in Jerusalem for the last day of Hanukkah. This is unbelievable stuff. The creator of the you tube clip goes into this in depth. However, I want to stress the astonishing importance of what is going to take place. The article is a must read. I will quote a paragraph from the article. All caps are my own.

"A full dress reenactment of the Korban Olah Tamid (the daily offering) will take place. Kohanim (Jewish men from the priestly caste from Aaron) wearing Biblically mandated garb will lead the ceremony. THE LOCATION IS STILL UNCLEAR as the Jerusalem municipality is weighing security concerns that a Jewish ceremony of this sort will precipitate Muslim violence if performed in view of the Temple Mount. Also in question is whether the Kohanim will ritually slaughter a lamb or whether prepared meat will be brought. Though the Sanhedrin has received all the necessary permits from the government organisations in charge of slaughtering animals, they are still waiting for the municipality to approve that part of the ceremony. In either case, the meat will be roasted on the newly consecrated altar".

Doves - this is HUGE. Where they actually perform this ceremony will also be very important. On a wing of the Temple Mount, perhaps? What is also of incredible significance is that 70 nations have been invited and are expected to be there !!! Man - if this doesn't kick off satanic Muslim violence, I don't know what will. I am seriously wondering who the representatives of the 70 nations will be. Religious leaders? Political leaders? Most of all - I'm wondering if Obama will be there. 

Something is coming, my fellow watchmen. On November 11th something strange caused our planet to "ring like a bell". On the same day a gigantic Phoenix bird appeared in the auroras. Remember, November 11th marked the remembrance of the end of WW1. Yesterday - end of November - a huge EQ struck Alaska. Almost like putting a full stop at the end of November and symbolising disaster for the future?

I urge you to watch the you tube clip. The detailed information will make you sit well up.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.

Hanukkah, Peace Deal & 3rd Temple - The Rapture is Imminent!