Fay (2 Dec 2018)
"What we may Witness prior to Rapture"

I have posted a link to Natan's prophecy, with subtitles that are clearer - a better English translation, in my opinion. The reason I have done this is because Natan's testimony leads me to believe that we may well see the outbreak of WW3. Quoting Natan, "All the newscasters will be declaring that WW3 has begun.... this is it.... there is no more time". At first, Israel will be ignored by the warring armies but then they will unite and turn on Israel. Once that happens, it will be a short period of time before the Mount of Olives splits open to receive the deserving Jewish people - to save them.

Then again, I lean towards the "Boom" that Natan says will precede the start of WW3. In fact it is this "Boom" that  kick starts the war, proper. This "Boom" could either be the Rapture or the destruction of Damascus, because Natan said that everyone will know that Almighty God is behind this event.... this "Boom". EVERYONE will know that Almighty God is behind this event. It's obvious that this is going to be HUGE and will be profound enough to cause all peoples to KNOW that Almighty God has caused this.

What I do know is that Almighty God will remove us before He turns His full attention to Israel. To save them - to bring them back to Himself. What I also know is that the world is on the brink of an horrific war. Everything is building up to it. We are tantalisingly close.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.

COMPLETE VIDEO English Subtitles Rabbi Rami Levy 15 Year Old Natan Testimony About End of Days