Fay (16 Dec 2018)
"Kyle R. Your two Dreams!"

Wow, Kyle. Those are powerful dreams. Amazing. And the fact that you were given the dream twice, lends them more credence. It also makes sense - going with scripture that tells us not to be weighed down by the cares of this world (obviously people are going to be worried sick about the state of the world at that time.... we already are) We are told not to drink too much etc. It goes perfectly with New Year's Eve as this is a world-wide event. I'm sure we all agree that we are SO close - in the season - and we're impatient for our LORD's return. It doesn't hurt to stay hyper alert - as tiring as it is. Your testimony helps keep us hyper alert, like Meerkats bobbing up and down in the desert. Taking turns to WATCH and alerting our fellow Meerkats! Thank you so much for sharing your dream.

It's interesting to note that 31st December is 10 days after December 21st. I bring up the 21st December for some compelling reasons. It's been pointed out before that December 21st is the winter solstice.. December 21st marks Israel's time of being back in the land from May 14th, 1948, at 70 years, 7 months and 7 days. And we know how Almighty God uses the numbers 70 and 7 in the Bible. Not only that - December 21st, 2018 is also 153 days from Tisha B'Av 2018. I have placed a link for this below. Tisha B'Av marks the date of hideous tragedies for Israel, throughout the centuries. For a start, it marks the date that both Jewish Temple's were destroyed. Many other tragedies for the Jewish people occurred on this date so please read the link. The information is important.

Tisha B'Av 2018 happened from sundown in Israel on July 21st and finished on sundown on July 22nd. July 21st to December 21st, 2018 = 153 days.

As the number 153 is the fish number from John 21, I feel this is very important. I have linked John 20 and 21 which tells us our LORD Jesus' movements from the time Mary discovered the empty tomb. Reading on into John 21, we read about the catch of 153 fish. But it's reading between the lines - the nuances - that will make you take notice. Giving one example of the subtle treasures found in John 20 and 21, in John 21:7 Peter suddenly realises that it is the LORD standing on the shore. As soon as Simon Peter heard John say, "It is the LORD", he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. Why are we given that information? It's odd in more ways than one. It obviously means something otherwise who would really care what Simon Peter was wearing? Secondly - it's weird that he would put on his outer garment and then jump into the water !! I can only equate it with what Jesus tells us about not being found naked at His return and how we are to put on our garments (of faith) etc. I'm sure there is more to it and I shall continue to ponder.

Please read the information in the links. So profound. I will be watching December 21st as well as the 31st. Interestingly, December 31st marks Israel being back in the land 70 years, 7 months and 17 days. The number 17 crops up a lot in the Bible. So Ryan - your dreams are absolutely fascinating.

May you and your wife, Sara, have a truly wonderful and blessed Christmas. I am so looking forward to meeting you both soon.

May God Bless you and all the Doves. In Jesus' beloved Name.

What Happened on the Ninth of Av?
