Bob Ware (25 Nov 2018)
"Connections between Jesus Christ, 1189 Bible Chapters and 4 January 2019"

The diameter of my 'Circle of Time' equals the 1440 minutes in a day. I began counting off the days around the circumference with the Winter Solstice of 2005 (21 December 2005). There are four consecutive composite numbers that total the 4762 days from the Winter Solstice of 2005 to 4 January 2019. The first composite number in this series is 1189. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. There are four consecutive prime numbers that also total 4762. The first two numbers in this series total 2368 which is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'. The third number in this series is the fourth number in row 14 of my 'Prime List'. The sum of these first four prime numbers in row 14 is also 2368. These numbers are circled in red in my attached 'Prime List' chart.


There are a maximum of 6,941 days in a 19-year Hebrew calendar cycle. 941 is the last number within my 'Prime Cube'. 941 is the first of the 73 prime number day counts from Israel's rebirth on 14 May 1948 leading up to 4 January 2019 at the top of the 'Prime List' (see the attached 'Prime List' chart). I made a rectangle with sides of 941 and 1440. The perimeter of this rectangle equals the 4762 days from 21 December 2005 to 4 January 2019. I placed a circle around this rectangle and then drew a golden rectangle within this circle. The short side of this golden rectangle plus its long side also total 2368.


On 30 November 2018 there was a 7.0 earthquake in Alaska. On 3 January 1959 Alaska became the 49th (7 x 7) state. The sum of the first five placeholders in row 49 of my 'Prime List' is 855. 855 is the sum of the uppercase ASCII codes for 'JESUS CHRIST'. The third prime number in this 49th row is 1013. 1013 is the prime number gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST'. 1013 is the 171st prime number. 171 + 1013 equals: 1184. 1184 x 2 = 2368. The sixth prime number in row 49 is 2381. 2381 x 2 equals the 4762 days from 21 December 2005 to 4 January 2019. 2381 is the 354th prime number. There are 354 days in the 12 lunar cycles of a normal Jewish year. 4 January 2019 is the 117th day of the Jewish civil year 5779. 117 x 2 = 234. 4 January 2019 is the 294th day of the Jewish religious year that began on Nisan 1 of 5778. 294 is the prime number gematria of 'JESUS'.


4 January 2019 will be the 501st day since the total solar eclipse across America on 21 August 2017. 501 is the Hebrew gematria of 'BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA'. 4 January 2019 will be 17 x 107 days since Ariel Sharon was taken home. The 17th triangle number is 153 and 107 is the rapture number. Hopefully we will be taken home by 4 January 2019.