Greg Wilson (24 Dec 2017)
""THE END OF THE AGE: The Word, Doctrine and Prophecy""

I have written a letter titled: "THE END OF THE AGE: The Word, Doctrine and Prophecy"

It can be accessed at:  www.

The introduction on that page begins:

The following letter was originally begun as an introductory summary of all of the articles contained in this WordPress site.  While it surveys much of the site’s content, there is new material presented in a different manner.  It is more foundational and doctrinal in nature, but set in the context of my other articles.  My focused audience is the “soon to be” remnant Israel, our Jewish brothers, who after our departure, will carry our message.  Today, we preach Christ crucified!  They will “get Jesus’ testimony” and carry the “torch of God’s word” into Glory!

I write as a lawyer, which I am, so I provide biblical citations in great quantity.  It is the word of God which speaks.  I merely write a letter organizing Scripture as my story.   This letter was originally three pages when I began seven weeks ago.  Now it is twenty-six pages with 300+ citations.

I begin with the position that Israel in God’s Holy land today is the Daughter of Babylon from which God will call out His remnant inheritance in Jacob.  God is preparing the nation of Israel for Daniel’s 70th week which very possibly may begin following the end of Israel’s 70th year in the land.

The letters include a short personal testimony which leads into an analysis of the Sovereignty of God’s words.  This includes an overview of manuscript evidence for biblical translations and man’s obsession with constantly revising bibles.  I am very passionate and my testimony is meant to soften the harshness of my criticism.  I have great zeal for God’s pure words.

I have included overview of the original Hebrew pictographic script which is hidden treasure to be found in Genesis 1:1.  These treasures include literary proof of Jesus’ presence in Genesis 1:1 which is confirmed by John in his books.  These proofs connect Genesis and Revelation at the end of the Age as God’s wraps up the prophecy of Genesis 3:15.

The letter concludes with some personal application questions based on the discussion and analysis contained in the letter.  May our Lord be exalted.  The Day of Christ approaches!