Fay (24 Dec 2017)
"What really happened at Christmas Time"

A great article from Grace thru Faith. Very informative and one you will all appreciate. Adding to the information that dear Jean Stepnoski posted. Thank you, Jean. Wonderfully written and replete with amazing, deep and insightful information. Thank you to Susan too. Also beautifully written with the treasured information we all need. Hanukkah is the most incredible festival. The very fact that our LORD Jesus was there, is enough to call our urgent attention to it. It's abundantly clear that our attention was being drawn to this Festival of Lights. I have one point to make that may make Christmas our focus. Not detracting from Hanukkah in any way. Hanukkah may well prove to be our pointer. Hanukkah is intimately connected to the Christmas season. Timing wise. Reading this link will make you sit up and really take notice of that.

John 10: 40 - 42 tells us this:- Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptising in the early days. There, he stayed and may people came to him. They said, "Though John never performed a sign, all that John said about this man is true". And in that place, many believed in Jesus.

This, to me, is emphasizing that born again believers are the main aim here. By leaving the temple after walking in Solomon's Porch (which was open to all - both Jew and Gentile) and going back to the place of original baptism, I believe the LORD Jesus was showing who will be saved. For He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. ALL are free to come to Him - Jew and Gentile. This passage just may denote a small gap between Hanukkah and Christmas. By leaving the temple, perhaps Jesus was letting us know that our salvation comes after this very Jewish feast? SOON after? 

What Really Happened at Christmas? – Grace thru faith