Clay Cantrell (24 Dec 2017)
"Haralan Popov Preaching re the AntiChrist"

Readers - 

Here are two YouTube links to recordings of Haralan Popov preaching re the AntiChrist from 1 John 2:18. These are audio links only, parts 1 & 2. 

Part 1

Part 2

Haralan Popov, a Bulgarian pastor, wrote his famous book entitled "Tortured for Christ" recounting his experiences as a tortured Christian prisoner of the Communists for 13 years and 2 months. He was arrested in 1948.  

Pastor Popov's english is good, but you do have to listen carefully. It is very compelling preaching; the kind of preaching the Church of this generation needs as we face the coming prophetic closure. 

Jesus is Lord <><