Charles D Landis (24 Dec 2017)
"The importance of December 6, 2017 = Kislev 18, 5778 for the Jewish and Christian people"

The importance of December 6, 2017 = Kislev 18, 5778 for the Jewish and Christian people


The purpose of this letter is to show that December 6, 2017 = Kislev 18, 5778 is an important date for the Jewish people and for Christian people and for America.

·      On December 6th Donald Trump announced that Jerusalem is the Eternal Capitol of Israel; this declaration angers many nations and peoples around the world.  We all know that North Korea is trying and preparing to attack the USA.  One day later in 1941 on December 7, 1941, Japan attached Pearl Harbor and we then entered WWII.  History could well repeat with WWIII.


·      Meanwhile while the Jewish people are rejoicing in Donald Trump’s announcement, we must remember that on Kislev 18, 1941 = December 8, 1941, the Jewish people we experiencing enormous persecutions, as listed below:

18 Kislev 5702 - December 8, 1941:

The Chelmno extermination camp opened in Poland.

18 Kislev 5702 - December 8, 1941:

All Jewish females and children were ordered to register with the Police of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

18 Kislev 5702 - December 8, 1941:

Fifteen hundred "old and weak" Jews from the Riga ghetto were murdered by the S.S. in a forest near Bikerneku. Some of the Jews were shot to death while others were asphyxiated in experimental death trucks. These events were later recalled in the book "Endless Miracles," by survivor Jack Ratz, who was 14 at the time, Hy"d.


It is amazing that Hebrew and Greek and English gematria of these two dates all point to “Jesus”!  We must remember that WWII prepared the Jewish people for someday having their own country again.  They had to endure much persecution during this “preparation time”.  The same type of persecution and suffering must happen again (Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83) before their Messiah (Jesus) will come to establish HIS Kingdom in Jerusalem.  Jesus is in charge during this time of the “persecution and suffering” that must come before the redemption of the Jewish people.  America too must be punished for all sins.


The Hebrew gematria value for Kislev 18, 5778 equals 834 and the Hebrew gematria for December 6, 2017 equals 134.


The English gematria value for Kislev 18, 5778 equals 468 and the English gematria for December 6, 2017 equals 330.



When we add (834 + 134) = 968, which with 2 permutations = 93324 = (12 x 7777) in Hebrew gematria.


When we add (468 + 330) = 5328 = (3 x 1776), where 1776 = (2 x 888) and 888 = “Jesus” in Greek gematria.  Also, 5328 = (6 x 888).


The 6 permutations of 834 = 3330 = (3 x 888), where 888 = “Jesus” in Greek gematria.

The 6 permutations of 134 = 1776 = (2 x 888), where 888 = “Jesus” in Greek gematria.  Remember that the year 1776 was the birthday of America.

The 6 permutations of 468 = 3996 = (4.5 x 888), where 888 = “Jesus” in Greek gematria.

The 6 permutations of 330 = 1332 = (1.5 x 888), where 888 = “Jesus” in Greek gematria.


Thus we see that the above listed gematia values in Hebrew, Greek and English all are a “numerical factor” of “Jesus” = 888.  We should be “looking up for our soon redemption” even as the Jewish people should be looking for the soon “persecutions and sufferings” which will lead to their final redemption.


Thus, we see that “Jesus” was and is intimately involved in this decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel.


Charles D Landis