Bob Ware (24 Dec 2017)
"Rosh Hashanah 5777 + 444 days will be 20 December 2017 and 'DAMASCUS' gematria is 444"


The sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter number is 24,978.


From 14 May 1948 to 2 October 2016 (Rosh Hashanah 5777) was 24,978 days.


2 October 2016 to 20 December 2017 will be 444 days. 444 is the gematria of ‘DAMASCUS’.


The first occurrence of ‘DAMASCUS’ in the Bible is Genesis 15:2. That verse gematria is 3858 or 2 x 1929 (the year of the Stock Market crash and the year that the Vatican became a country within a country).


From 20 January 2009 (Obama’s first day as President) to 20 December 2017 will be 3256 days.


            3256 equals: 888 (‘JESUS’) + 1480 (‘CHRIST’) + 888 (‘JESUS’).


                        3256 + 444 equals: 3700 which is the gematria of the 12 tribe names on the Breastplate.


December 20th of 2017 in the two digit date format: 12.20.17. The 2017th composite number is 2368 (’JESUS CHRIST’).


3256 also equals the 1461 days in one four-year Presidential term + the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ (1795).


3256 divided by Pi rounds off to the 1036 days served by JFK.


            1036 + 444 = 1480 (‘CHRIST’). 1480 + 444 = 1924. 1924 x Golden Ratio (.618) equals the 1189 chapters in the Bible. 1924 + 444 = 2368 (‘JESUS CHRIST’).


            1189 and 1924 are the sides of a golden rectangle within a circle with a circumference of 3 x 2368.


3256 equals: 2701 (gematria of Genesis 1:1) + 555. 55 verses in the Bible have the word ‘DAMASCUS’. In 5 of those verses the word ‘DAMASCUS’ appears twice. The first occurrence of a verse where ‘DAMASCUS’ appears twice is the 5th verse with the word ‘DAMASCUS’. 5 is the number for ‘GRACE’.


24,978 = (7 x 3256) + 2186. 3256 - 2186 = 1070 or 10 x 107 (the rapture number).


The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Damascus’ is 817. The prime and composite number gematrias for ‘Damascus’ are 1062 and 383.


            817 + 1062 + 383 equals: 2262. 2262 is the length of each 180 degree arc of my ‘Circle of Time’ where the diameter is the 1440 minutes in a day.


                        Trump’s 383rd day in office will be 7 February 2018.


From the 70th anniversary of the partition of Israel on Kislev 16 of 5778 (4 December 2017) to 7 February 2018 will be 66 inclusive days. There are 66 books in the Bible. The ‘Thomas Fire’ in California began on 4 December 2017.