Nathan Young (25 Dec 2016)
"God's provision for our Journey"

Title : God's provision for our Journey

"Robert walks into the country hoping to stay outdoors.. his desire was always to stay outdoors and spend time alone with God. As God instructs him to go on his way on the journey, he realises he does not have what he requires to fufill his desire, just the clothes on his back.  Robert begins to think what He would require to fulfill the desire for the Lord as he is walking with Him.  When Robert gets to his destination, a man meets him at just the right time, with all the requirements of his desire. The man gives Robert a tent, a pillow, and a blanket for the outdoors.  Robert receives them with thankfulness and looks up to God and gives Him thanks, realising these things came from God who provides for all our needs and so uses them for His glory.  He uses the tent as a reminder that God is his refuge (Psalm 46:1) he uses his pillow as a reminder that God said in the Proverbs his sleep will be sweet (Prov 3:24), and he uses the blanket to remind him that God comforts those in need (2 Cor 1:3)."  The moral of the story, Robert only needed the tent, a pillow, and a blanket at the right point of his journey, he never needed them on the way to the journey where God was taking him.  The man who provided to Robert was there at just the right time of the journey.  When we are on a journey for God, He will give us a desire for us to fufill, then at the right moment God will provide all our needs when we need them, to expectantly fufill both ours and His desire and will.  When God provides for us, we must use what He gives us for His glory and service to Him.  If God is taking us through a journey and our expectation is in sight, and we are worried about how we are to fufill the desire, then God will provide at just the right time in order that the desire is met.  On the way to the journey, God will prepare us for what we need so that when we receive them, we not only expect them, but immediately thank God for what He gives to us."
" good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." (Psalm 84:11)

Nathan Young ~