Fay (25 Dec 2016)
"Protection of the Wicked 2"

Here is a case in point. The Christine Lagarde, IMF fiasco. Seriously ? Our sports teams are fined, by the corrupt and incompetent FIFA  for wearing poppies in memory of the dead of both world wars!! FIFA's reasoning being that it's offensive and politically incorrect. I am beyond the point of rage. We are lambasted for opposing immigration - called racist and "haters" for doing so. In the UK, the child abuse cases go unsolved (deliberately so as they, apparently, involve high level politicians). The same with the Roman Catholic church and their umpteen pedophile priests. Do we expect to see any justice re the Clinton Foundation shenanigans? I am guessing NOT. If I am beyond the point of rage, our Almighty God must be apoplectic. Strong prayers are needed. Enough is enough.

We are ruled and regulated by a bunch of IDIOTS.

IMF chief Christine Lagarde will NOT be axed despite conviction