Gary Rich (28 Dec 2014)
"Risk-taking Christians"

Conventional Christians are quite happy to attend church on a regular basis and go to Sunday school without falling asleep. Doing this they feel they are pleasing God

Risk-taking Christians are willing to " go off the deep end " by abandoning themselves to the Lord's Care and to risk everything by letting go of everything. Jesus is inviting us to hang over the abyss in trusting faith where our security blanket of control is stripped away and we stand naked and defenseless before our Creator. Are you willing to say yes to whatever Jesus would choose for your life ?

Are you willing to risk your reputation for Jesus in 2015, to have a commitment of faith to an unknown path, to have the simple trust that Jesus will provide for you if you stepped out in faith and answered God's calling in your life ?

More than ever, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is looking for believers who are willing to stand up and say YES LORD, SEND ME. To go where-ever He wants to send you, to serve Him however He decides

Are you ready to take a leap of Faith and leave your comfort zone and serve our Lord and Savior thru out the New Year ?

Are you ready to put a big smile on our Savior's face and make an Eternal difference for the Kingdom of God ? Then say Yes Lord : SEND ME !!!
have a blessed day,   Gary