TH (30 Dec 2013)
"Requested response to your post on 17 Dec. 2013"

Dear Chondra,

Glad you posted your "dream" and with it, your concern as to it's being from the HOLY SPIRIT
or  just "in your head".  I can't answer that question directly because I don't know you nor am
I able to discern your relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT.  I can, however, tell you that when
you have a relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT, HE gives you ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT about
you being with HIM and HIM being with you. You become one of HIS SHEEP and HIS SHEEP
hear HIS VOICE.  And that is what is important and when you do know HIM PERSONALLY,
HE confirms it by speaking to you. Honest!  HE does, and HE doesn't have any sheep go with-
out hearing HIS VOICE. It is what confirms HIS KNOWING YOU.  JESUS tells us this HIMSELF.
MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE ( They know me and I know them). You state that you have never
had the LORD speak to you "audibly" ( do you mean "out loud" or in your mind's ear?) neither
have I, it's always in my mind's ear. (audible is AFTER our anointing) and even then it is only
us that will hear  it. Pursuing HIS VOICE is of the utmost importance in that upon HEARING HIM
we know that we are "known" to HIM and that HE PROMISED not to lose a single person HE
has come to KNOW. And that is a WONDERFUL PROMISE,,one we can be absolutely sure of.
OK, so how do we go about getting to HEAR HIM ?  HE tells us to KEEP KNOCKING ! In other
words don't stop asking, beseeching, pleading, and begging till HE answers. HE WILL, HE
PROMISED.  Keep your Heart sincere when doing this and not out of fear of being left behind.
Do it because you REALLY WANT HIM and be sure to "weigh the cost" as it will then put you
under OBEDIENCE. Are ready and willing to do that?  If so, begin asking HIM TODAY....HE
WILL ANSWER. I promise. SO DOES HE ! !

         YBIC,  TH