TH (30 Dec 2013)
"R A P T U R E     " 1 0 1 ""


                                R A P T U R E     " 1 0 1 "

          Boy is this theory going to ruffle some feathers.  I am, however,
compelled to put it forth regardless of the "fire" it will surely draw.
I will state, for what it's worth, that I have been led to believe this is the
"probable" rapture scenario:
1.  A whole bunch of SHEEP do indeed disappear in an instant.

2.  But not ALL of them,  some remain to carry out certain assignments
       given to them by the HOLY SPIRIT which comes upon them at the
        time that the SHEEP disappear.

3.  This ANOINTING gives the recipient "Supernatural" power to carry
        out the tasks given them by the HOLY SPIRIT now fully in them.

4.  They have 40 days (or less) to accomplish the HOLY SPIRIT'S
        directives.  They will HEAR HIS VOICE LOUD and CLEAR.

5.  They will be directed to witness to certain individuals chosen by the
        HOLY SPIRIT after the "main rapture" has occurred.

6.  They will be able to do miracles (by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT)
        given to them for this purpose.

 7.  These miracles will demonstrate GOD'S POWER and TRUTH in
        In contrast to the "lying wonders of the AC"

8.  Those people who come to now BELIEVE because they SEE and
       TRULY REPENT,  will then be raptured.

9.  These Saints, who have remained behind in order to do this,  will be
       Impervious to any attacks upon them by any evil.  They cannot be
       harmed in any way.

10.  When they have completed their work, they too will then be raptured.

         They won't fail in any of their efforts ( actually the HS's effort)
because the LORD doesn't lose.  The disappointment comes (and I was
warned of this) from not being allowed to "speak" to some people we
would dearly love to.  I submit to HIS WILL on this even though it will be
a heart breaker, I trust HIS WISDOM completely in HIS CHOOSING.
           Those chosen for this task were given an "inkling" of their destiny,
usually early in their Spiritual  Journey, with an ever increasing conformation
as they drew closer to the Lord through a total submission to the leading
of the HOLY SPIRIT and the rejection of things Worldly.  It is not an easy
path and all are not suited for it.  They are "chosen" and cannot go against
it.  They will be "forced" to accept this and have no choice in the matter.  It
was decided for them from the beginning. ( I fought it and lost/won?)
       Well there it is, take it or leave it.  It doesn't really matter.  Those who
are destined for this realize it to some degree now, but will come to
total awareness and acceptance of their calling at HIS discretion.
      If this "speaks" to you, take courage, you are not alone.
                       HIS  WILL  BE  DONE  !

                         MARANATHA  !
