Terri Hill (20 Dec 2013)
"Dream - A SIGN"


   DREAM   -   A   SIGN

I had a short dream in the early morning hours of November 28, 2013. I was traveling on a highway and I saw a large RECTANGULAR SHAPED SIGN on the right hand side of the road with this message in caps:
I woke up after this; the dream was simple, but vivid. I got up, went to the Lord in prayer, asking Him to reveal anything that I should know. I did some praying, studying and digging. I also asked Him if this dream was truly from Him, could He please confirm it by sending a rainbow for me to see? A day or so later, there were showers in southern California where I live, and in one day, I saw three rainbows in the sky. Since that time, articles about Noah or the Ark appear in my “inbox”; I walk into a store or a certain place, and there is a “Noah’s Ark” right in front of me. The confirmations continue.

Here are some things to consider with regard to Noah and the Ark:

1. Webster’s dictionary definition of the word “PASSAGE” is – “movement from one place to another; change or progress from one process or condition to another; a journey, especially by water; a voyage; passenger accommodations especially on a ship”
2. Noah, the 10th from Adam, was just, obedient, and “perfect” (without blemish; seed not defiled). He walked habitually with the Lord; his faith is described in Hebrews 11:7.
3. “10” points to God’s commandments; it is also symbolic of trial, tribulation; Deut. 4:13; Revelation 2:10. Those who violated God’s laws perished, but Noah and his family were “lifted above the earth”; the flood “bore up the Ark”; Genesis 7:17.
4. There are “10” days between Rosh HaShanah (Feast of Trumpets), and Yom Kippur (Feast Day of Atonement); the date observed is “10 Tishri”. A “trumpet” announces the clear, living word of the Lord. We are hearing the call for “journeying of the camps”, and “gathering the princes”; Numb. 10:2-4. We hear the call to repentance and “maturity”, to prepare for “Tabernacles”: Jesus’ appearing, full adoption, and redemption of the body.
5. Regarding the number “10”: Rebecca received a “marriage” proposal; her family wanted her to remain for “10 days”, before departing with Abraham’s “Servant”. She refused her family’s request to “stay with them”, and left immediately to follow the Servant so that she could meet “Isaac” and become his wife; Genesis 24:55-61.
6. Jesus spoke of the “days of Noah and Lot” and made distinctions between the two. He described different aspects of His “coming”; Matthew 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-36:
    a. The “days of Noah” points to the Lord’s personal coming to rescue His intimate companions, the Bride; notice the word “marriage” mentioned in Matthew 24:38. Only those who were “married” (speaks of close covenant relationship) entered the Ark: Noah and his wife, three married sons, and animals, two of every sort “male and female”. The Lord Himself shut them in; Genesis 6:18-19; 7:16; Matthew 25:10.
    b. Jesus referred also to the “days of Lot”, who barely escaped with his life; Luke 17:26-32. Lot was “righteous” (justified by grace), but saved “as by fire”; 2 Peter 2:7-8. He “sat in the gate of Sodom”: he compromised, was selfish, lacked moral stability. In his case, angels were reluctant to enter his house, but “snatched him” on the same day that fire fell. This describes a different “rescue”; Genesis 13:10-13; 19:1-20.
7. The Ark, prepared before the deluge, is a place of absolute security. It is “pitched within and without”, with the substance of that which conceals and protects; Genesis 6:14. The same flood that destroyed the wicked, lifted the Ark, causing Noah and his family to land or “rest” upon the mountain; Genesis 7:17; 8:4.
8. The Ark was RECTANGULAR SHAPED, with these dimensions; Genesis 6:15:
    a. 300 cubits long; denotes complete deliverance, victory in conflict. “300” speaks of a victorious remnant of “overcomers”; Genesis 5:22; Judges 7:7-22; 1 Kings 10:17.
    b. 50 cubits wide; “50” is associated with the Holy Spirit’s power and anointing at Pentecost. It is also associated with Jubilee, and the Tabernacle; Exodus 27:18 Leviticus 23:15-16; 25:8-10; Acts 2:1-47.
    c. 30 cubits high; “30” denotes authority, maturity, full stature; Genesis 41:46; 2 Samuel 5:4; Luke 3:23. The O.T. priest began his ministry at age 30; Numbers 4:3. Also, “30” pieces of silver (redemption), reminds us of the “blood money”; Matthew 27:3-4.
    d. This is a representation of Jesus Christ, and those who “overcome” in Him. They are anointed with power and authority, by the Holy Spirit, Who causes them to gain the victory in the face of obstacles and corruption, bringing God’s deliverance in the earth, having received redemption through His blood.
9. There was only one “Door”; it was set in the side of the Ark; John 19:34; Gen. 6:16. There is only one way of deliverance from the wrath to come; John 10:7, 9. God Himself “shuts the door” to enclose those who have “found grace in the eyes of the Lord”; Genesis 6:8; 7:16; Matthew 25:10.
10. The Ark reveals the Lord Jesus Christ and those who are in Him:
    a. It had 3 “stories” with “many rooms”; Gen. 6:16; John 14:2, which reveals different levels of faith, obedience, consecration, and fruitfulness unto the Lord; Matthew 13:8; 23.
    b. There is a “window” in the top, light in the “third level” (descriptive of the Most Holy Place). There are those who possess the light of divine revelation (of what God is saying, building, doing). The Bride is invited to “look from the top”; Song of Sol. 4:8. We are reminded to “look up”, to seek that which is “above” and not that which is “below”: the earthly realm of death; Genesis 6:16; Colossians 3:1-2.
11. God’s chosen (like Noah) are as salt: preserving and restraining the full expression of evil, the mystery of iniquity. “Preachers of righteousness” who live in the midst of corruption, are warning the others: Jesus Christ is the only true place of refuge and preservation; 2 Peter 2:5.  Into this, we are all invited to come.
12. In Noah’s day, the people were not ignorant of God’s message of redemption; they deliberately persisted in their wickedness, and were “without excuse”; see Romans 1:17-32. The same is true today. Like Noah, we speak of “things not seen as yet”, and having been “warned of God”, we are “moved with fear”; Hebrews 11:7. “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully”; Psalm 24:3-5. And so we prepare in obedience and humility, knowing that the Ark comes to rest upon Ararat, a “mountain” (a high, holy ground); Genesis 8:4.

Terri Hill