Susanna Garlitz (9 Dec 2013)
"The Prism Effect of the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls"

The Prism Effect of the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls

John Tng and fellow Doves,

This is my first time writing in to Five Doves.  A little background on myself first.  I grew up Catholic.  The Catholic end-time theory (scarce as it is) never made sense.  I searched for the Truth and found it.  I remain Catholic for the opportunity to speak Truth to Catholics who will only listen to orher Catholics who are in good standing.  I have the option of speaking Truth directly or of pointing out one of the logical flaws the Catholic Church has thus offering the Truth or a reason to seek the Truth.  Anyone who seeks the Truth will find the Truth.  Given my background please don't be either surprised or offended that I don't quote the Bible directly or give references.  Please also don't be offended at my decision to remain in a position to offer Truth to people who choose carefully who to listen to.  I will now move onto the primary reason that I'm writing you.  

I have been reading different theories online regarding the timing of the prophesied end-time events.  I can usually tell if the author is inspired by the Holy Spirit or not thus determining which theories to lend credibility to.  This was going well until I realized that certain aspects of different theories seemed (only seemed) to be contradictory.  I then decided to give it some thought trusting God to lead me to the Truth.  

My answer came when I thought of a prism refracting light into the component colors.  When you shine light through a triangular prism the different colors of light separate.  The more prism there is for the light to shine through the more separated the colors of light are from each other.  I also reflected that God IS Light.  God is the one commanding that the Seals be opened, the Trumpets be blown and the Bowls of wrath be poured out.  I wondered if the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls might be refracted as the light of God's command goes from Heaven to Earth.  This is consistent with the fact that John had his vision of the Revelation of Christ concerning the seals, trumpets and bowls all from the point of view of Heaven.  John saw then BEFORE they were refracted.  

Consider the following from the view point of Heaven.  Jesus opens the first seal.  There is a prism between Heaven and Earth.  (Assume this for now.)  Jesus shines His Light toward Earth through a thicker part of the prism.  The Voilet end of the rainbow is refracted the most and the Red end the least.  I will therefore assume that the Prism is positioned to refract the Violet effects furthest into the past and the Red effects least into the past.  I will therefore label three colors of the rainbow as follows.  Violet is the effect seen furthest into the past.  Green is the effect seen in the middle.  Red is the latest effect seen.  This leaves room to find two effects, labeled blue and indigo between Green and Violet effects and two more labeled orange and yellow between the Red and Green effects.  (Remember the order of the rainbow is Red, orange, yellow, Green, blue, indigo and Violet.)  I have capitalized the colors I will be using.  As Jesus opens the first seal there are effects spread through time on Earth.  An event in an early century may be thus labeled Violet Seal 1, another later on Green Seal 1 and yet another more recent or near future Red Seal 1.  There could be events labeled orange, yellow, blue and indigo Seal 1 totaling 7 effects from Seal 1.  I will use 3 colors to explain the view from Earth to keep it simple.  My theory is that every sequential seal, trumpet or bowl shines through a part of the prism that is less thick than the one before.  This would result in the effects of the Bowl 6 being much closer together in time to each other and much closer to the Return of Christ to stand on Earth on the Mount of Olives than the effects of Seal 1.  This would have the effect of concentrating many of the events of the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls into one time period which I think we know of as the Tribulation or for a greater concentration of events the Great Tribulation.  

Switch now to the view point of Earth.  There are people who see all the Seals and most of the Trumpets fulfilled in the time between Ascension of Jesus and the present time.  These people say that we will be Raptured at the Seventh Trumpet.  I theorize that these people are seeing the Violet effect of the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls.  There are others who say we will see most of the Seals and will be taken to be with Jesus at the Sixth Seal.  I theorize that these people are seeing the Green effect of the Seals, Trumpefs and Bowls.  There are still others who say that we will be taken off the Earth before any of the Seals.  I theorize that these people are seeing the Red effect of the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls.  For everyone to be correct in what they see the Rapture would have to be placed at the Violet effect of Trumpet 7 AND placed at the Green effect of Seal 6 AND before the Red effect of Seal 1.  

Switch now to the view point of the enemy.  The enemy has 7 seals plus 7 trumpets plus 7 bowls to look at to determine the time of the Rapture.  (Presumably to prevent it.)  Each of these has been refracted into the 7 component colors on the way to Earth.  The enemy may correctly identify the correct point on the revelation timeline, but the enemy still has a problem.  Given how close to the end we are in time there could be multiple effects of different Colors and Seals, Trumpets and bowls all piling up at the critical point in time.  This makes it difficult for the enemy to determine when the Rapture happens.  The enemy sees more of the picture than we do.  IF the enemy sees all 7 effects of each Seal, each Trumpet AND each Bowl then he has a VERY complicated picture to look at getting more complicated with time because the enemy doesn't see the future.  The enemy must speculate on the remaining pattern possibly getting it wrong.  Also, the enemy might see the refracted effects of the 7 Thunders of Revelation 10 that were sealed.  (Until they occur, presumably.)  Here, the enemy lacks sufficient information to understand the refraction pattern of the 7 Thunders.  So do we, but we don't need it.  We Trust God to time everything perfectly.  

God the Father sees everything perfectly so He won't be confused by the view while the enemy is confused.  We have a limited view seeing only one color.  God can then reveal to us the general timing of the Rapture to us using the particular color effect that we see.  God can thus reveal to us the timing to prepare us while also confusing the enemy so that His words may be true.  He told us that the "master of the house" does not know the hour the thief will break in otherwise he would stop it.  The "master of the house" is the enemy who currently rules the Earth.  The "thief in the night" is the Lord who comes to rescue us from this Earth which is currently ruled by the enemy.  Jesus told us to watch the signs so that we may know when the season of His return is.  He told us because He knows that we can identify the season.  I theorize that the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls are refracted into 7 colors to confuse the enemy, guide us His people each by the color we see best and (to give Glory to God) God the Father will tell His Son Jesus to go get His bride at the perfect time.  

Susanna Garlitz
December 2, 2013