Paul Wilson (30 Dec 2013)
"What is a Watchman on the Wall"

One duty of a watchmen on the wall was keep a eye out on what the enemy was doing to know if they were preparing an attack. We unfortunately held such a false belief that satan could not touch America that because we were a Christian nation he was powerless against us that we stopped do this duty we just watched for our Lord’s return never caring what satan was up to and in our refusal to watch satan moved in in all areas – seminaries, colleges, primary and secondary education, law schools, legislatures, courts, media and more – and was able to transform this once Christian nation into a cesspool of depravity, debauchery and innocent blood (55+ Millions worth and counting) that now one must say God would be well with in his right to do to us what he did more that once to Israel - judge her and remove her from among the nations. What is quite odd is how many times over the centuries civilizations have been brought down by the same depravity we are experiencing. “Decadence, immorality, chaos. Nothing ever changes.”
Christians bare some of the blame because we allowed satan to do what he was doing unabated. We became so proud that we let it blind us to satan’s movements and thus his corruption of society. We failed the nation as all of these problems are at root a spiritual problem. We were standing in the city looking at the sky waiting for our Lord to appear all the while blissfully unaware that the enemy had infiltrated the city and was positioning himself all around us. We finally became aware when he drew his sword and placed it against our necks that he had broken through the perimeter and we need to take up arms and fight. Of course we all know it is very difficult to fight a defensive war. To be successful you must be on offence much of the time. To fight a war in your own land just to push out the enemy it a sad state to be in. To have to reclaim to city and defeat the enemy outside the city, given how far in the city he is and how many troops he has (including some of our own countrymen), may be a insurmountable task.
Satan couldn’t have taken over the nation if we didn’t allow it to happen. Pride and Presumption are dangerous. We had both. He can only hang on to America with a weak powerless church in it. No one is afraid of a toothless tiger. Right now that is what the church in America, also Europe, has become toothless. I am sure some people in the more modern generations must wonder how Germany with it rich Lutheran heritage could have allowed Hitler to rise to power. One only need look at America and how the enemies of God came to power over the past 100 years to see how when the church fails in its job evil takes up the slack and one can understand how the Nazis could easily take over and put a madman on the throne.
Paul Wilson