Neil Lipken (30 Dec 2013)
"Chronicle 12-24-13 History/Future Tetrad Watch; Jesus approaches in Power"

I believe it is VERY likely that these coming four lunar eclipses on Jewish feast dates in 2014 and 2015 are to mark the building of the Third Temple!  But first the Rapture must occur to allow the antichrist to step on the world stage to make the Daniel 9:27 covenant, which will allow Israel to build the Third Temple.  And in trade, the Palestinians will get their state.  The Daniel 9:27 covenant will begin the 7 year Tribulation Period leading to the Second Coming.


Historical & Future Blood Moons:
'Tetrad' Watch

A 'Tetrad' is when four consecutive total lunar eclipses occur

"There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars; distress & perplexity of nations, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth. The powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man [Messiah Jesus] coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:25-28; Revelation 19:11

12-23-13, Annette -- This report lists the dates and events surrounding historical past Tetrads. It is a compilation from many sources [1]  [2]. There were no astronomical back-to-back blood-red moon events in the 1800s, the 1700s or the 1600s. And in the 1500s, there were six, but none fell on Passover and Sukkoth.
This phenomenon occurring at the same time as a Jewish Feast Day [3] will happen again and in the near future; we can speculate with some confidence that another monumental world event or catastrophe will also occur as it has in the past.
History of Past Blood Moon Tetrads
162 AD - 1968 AD
Future Blood Moon Tetrad
2014 - 2015
The 2014/2015 events will be the last in this century
Tetrads of four sequential lunar [moon] eclipses with no intervening partial lunar eclipses occurred six previous times in this century, but the only time it occurs on the Jewish holy days of Passover and Feast of Tabernacles is coming as follows:  [See Jewish Calendar 2014 and 2015]
Total Solar [sun] Eclipse Mar 20, 2015 
Since 1 AD, this tetrad has occurred on these holy days a total of seven times.  In 2014-2015, it will be the eighth time.  It won't occur again for over 100 years.


Lord please have mercy on your children  
who are in the path of Your rain.


"He makes His sun to rise on the evil   
and on the good, and sendeth rain   
on the just and on the unjust."
Matthew 5:45
[1] Hagee's book: 
[2] Koenig:  
Others: Prophecy in the News - Gary Stearman and Mark Biltz look at the occurrence of the blood moons and the importance of the Biblical calendar. 
 Prophecy in the News - The Blood Moons with Mark Biltz  
[3] Jewish Feasts: 
[4] NASA Lunar Eclipse website and 
[5] Lunar Penumbral Tetrads: 
Bible: Read or Listen 
Luke 21: 
Revelation 19: