Mike Curtiss (30 Dec 2013)
"Listen to the Prophetic Word As It Happens"


Dear Doves,

           With the coming of the High Holy days this fall, I began a curious pursuit of the
Lord Jesus and His living Word. At first, it was merely the beginning of my prayer time.
From time to time, I've posted a few verses, which I felt were appropriate to items that
appeared in the news.
           However after a few weeks a pattern developed, which is very significant and can
not ignored. Today, the scripture says 'to publish and conceal it not' So, I've got to make
everyone I meet aware that the future was written from the beginning. I urge you with all
extremity to make reading, or listening to the Daily Reading Bible reading plan at the url
           God's once again taking our hands and walking us through prophecy one event
at a time. If you think this pattern is coincidental, look up the scripture for September 11th.
Behold your God!

                                                             Agape Love,

                                                                              Michael Curtiss
