Mike Curtiss (30 Dec 2013)
"The Gap Between Autonomous Robots and Humans Narrows Even Further"


     Time to call on Congress to impose Asimov's Three Laws, which bans
all drones and autonomous robots from taking human life. When you read
the article below notice how the author extols the virtues of 'service robots'
and their peaceful usage. It drastically downplays their practical application
on an increasingly deadly modern battlefield. Why do they need robots, which
think for themselves?
    The article below completely ignores the story I posted earlier, which shows
that autonomous robotic soldiers have already reached the battlefield.      
     Why is the Pentagon always sponsoring these types of competitions, if
they don't want to take the next step and deploy autonomous killing machines
on the battlefield? I think we all know the answer.
    Even knowing that POTUS has utilized drones to assassinate thousands
of Afghani's, Yemeni's and Paki's gives me no reassurances, because the
current POTUS has already disclosed that Veterans, Christians and Tea Party
politicians and sponsors are all considered terrorists. POTUS has quickly and
quietly deployed armed drones over domestic airspace.
    Perhaps, the End Times scripture, which says 'the Prince to come will call
down fire from heaven' refers to the abomination currently infesting the White
House? Call your Congress critters today and ask about legislation to impose
Asimov's Three Robotic Laws before this POTUS uses domestic drones
against his political opponents.
    When in the brief history of our nation has the political party out of power
been declared a terrorist entity? Homeland Security, the US Military and the
UN have all joined together to take away our Constitutional right's and ultimately
our very lives. It's time for a grassroots effort to disarm domestic drones and
impose laws, which prevent development of autonomous killing machines.
    I await your prayerful thoughts and participation. God Bless You & Yours this


                                                       Michael Curtiss