Mike (9 Dec 2013)
"Daughtrey's Vision of 1996 + 21 years = 2017...and more perhaps?"

As much as I want the rapture to be in 2013, I can't help but wonder if it's not in 2017.  If so, then I suspect that the U.S. will fall from status as a world power substantially during the next 3 years-so much so that Jews currently living here will abandon ship and move to Israel.  Conditions will deteriorate to such a level that they will be better off there.

Also, "Christians" playing church will likely abandon that pastime and fully embrace the world system.  It will begin to be crystal-clear who is with Christ and who is not.

Considering 2017...think about what happened in 1917, 1947, 1967, 1987 (intifada), and now perhaps 2017, a hundred years after 1917 and Balfour.

Then there's the vision of Daughtrey.  The unexplained 21 in the vision may very well have been simply 21 years.  Add them to the 1996 vision year and 2017 results.  For me, the baby's birthmark vision, and further fulfillment which occurred for it gives Daughtrey's vision a fair measure of credibility that the remainder will happen as well.  Talk about "strong delusion!"

A note about comet Ison:  God's Son was similarly judged and destroyed by the wrath of God after he took the full weight of our sin upon himself, just as Ison was destroyed by the incredible heat of the Sun.

Perhaps this is a picture of what Jesus did when he came the first time to die for sin like a sacrificial lamb on Passover.  (As an aside...like the Passover lamb, not one bone of his was broken as well, even with all the abuse he suffered.  See Exodus 12:46, John 19:36.)

If this picture using Ison is a correct one, I might propose that an absolutely incredible astronomical sight-perhaps a comet named "King" or "Judge" or "Leo" or "William" (Will-I-AM), or some name of that nature will truly be the most brilliant object of all time in about 3 years (figuratively, like the 3 days Jesus was dead, physically).  

If so, we Christians, and the then converted Jews could be caught up together with the dead in Christ to be with him forever.

Unfortunately, that may mean that while the Jews are drawn to Christ over the next three years, America is judged.  

Isn't it interesting that America's past arch-enemy, Russia (technically USSR back then), has put homosexuality in it's place, while America is rushing headlong past it and on to gay marriage--something which I also suspect existed prior to the flood in Noah's day.  (Just thought I'd throw that out there.)  Romans 1 still speaks.

Now, exactly how all this fits with pre or mid-trib, or pre-wrath, I don't know.  That is not really the point of this letter.  

I also will not conjecture about the two witnesses, except to say perhaps Passover 2014?  That would give them 3 years (days) to testify before being killed in 2017.  I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for God to heal the Jew's wound.

Well, that's it, I've said my peace.

May Christ Jesus receive glory and honor now and forever!  Amen.

In Him,
