Mary Adams (20 Dec 2013)
"Another tree..."


The gift for us under another tree...
No blood was found in all the earth, untouched by Adam’s fall.
The Father sighed, then sent His Son---A lamb of God for all.
His Spirit met a virgin’s womb, and there was formed inside
a babe whose blood was God’s alone---a Savior born to die.
So sinless blood without this stain, now walked with Adam’s seed,
Prepared to soak the altar’s wood, to meet man’s greatest need.
And so He came, this promised one, anointed from on high,
To bring Good News the poor would hear:”The Kingdom of God is nigh”.
Since His day more broken hearts have mended without pay
More prisoners pardoned than ever knew a judge’s final say.
He’s healed more sick, relieved more pain, than man will ever know.
No conquering army set more men free nor bound a greater foe.
‘Too simple a plan!’ some minds would say, as “religions “come and go.
A good man—a prophet, a healer with power; but Son of God, Savior...NO!
Men turn their backs on heaven’s plan, to devise another way.
Yet all was complete and finished when, He shed His blood that day.
No struggle now, no blood of goats, no righteous works at all;
By simple faith Jesus’ blood forgives---any and all who call.
Mary E. Adams 
Christmas 2013