Lynnette (9 Dec 2013)
"Larks shared by Mary Clark"


Dear Doves, a great message to meditate :)  Blessings,Lynnette


December 7, 2013 

Larks - Larks have more elaborate calls than most birds. These melodious sounds (to human ears) have ensured larks a prominent place in literature and music,


You are My songbirds.  There are many species of songbirds among you.  

You are all unique.  Each voice is original, one of a kind.  

I love My songbirds, My chosen children.


I want you to remember that I look on the sweet voices of My children the way that you look on the melodies of the lark.  

The sound is so sweet to My ears.  Each voice makes a certain happiness fill My heart.  

Oh!  I do delight in you My songbirds, My larks.


On a simple day I delight in seeing you go about your tasks and when you start to sing to Me, 

I stop what I am doing and listen intently to your voice, so sweet, so pleasant.  

Oh, beloved, I do believe that if you knew how much your singing delighted your  King that you would do it more.  

I believe if you could only realize that I am always listening for your sweet voice to sing or talk to Me you would literally bombard Me with words and songs of praise and exultation. 

Will you keep this at the forefront of your mind, beloved? 

Will you bear in mind that your God and King delights in you, His songbirds, and is listening intently for you to let Him hear that you delight in Him too? 

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