Lynnette (5 Dec 2013)
"Rene re: Dr Owuor meeting times"


Dear Rene ,

 I read your note  then saw the

date changes for Dr Owuor.  I was curious and noticed the

Miami Heat has scheduled games at 7 Pm in Eastern USA time on Wed Dec 18
and 7:30 PM Eastern on Friday Dec 20

Dr Owuor will be in meetings in different time zones on similar dates.
Sydney time zone is *4 hours* ahead of Eastern USA time,
 Gisborne New Zealand is *18 hours * ahead of Eastern USA time zone
 Hope I figured correctly here
using  the time zones adjustments: Dr Owuors' Australia meeting  Wed Dec.18 6:30 - 10PM  will occur
approx. 2:30 - 6PM  Eastern time on Wed Dec. 18th . His conference could  go beyond the scheduled time and overlap the Heats game. at 7PM
In New Zealand using time zone adjustments:  Dr Owuor's Dec. 21st   9-5 PM meeting  occurs using 18 hours difference at approx. 3-11PM Eastern  * Dec.  20, 2013*  and would overlap time with the Heats game at 7:30PM
Enjoyed your note,  Lynnette