Loni (30 Dec 2013)
"Re: Daily Bible Reading. Read through the Bible in one year."

Hello Doves,
It's that time of year again, time to sign up for an easy way to read through the Bible in one year! You may read on line or join the list to the have the Daily Reading sent to you. This is not a Bible Study, this is 1/365th of the Bible each day, less than two email pages. I've been sending this out since 2004.
Sign up for a daily portion of the Bible to be sent to you via email, or you can read on line. The New Testament starts on January 1st.
To sign up you can log on to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DailyBibleReading/ and hit the "join" button, or you can send an email to DailyBibleReading-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and you will automatically be added to the service.
Looking up,
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes."