Little David (20 Dec 2013)
"Duck Dynasty News"


Hi John & Doves,

It’s a shame that popular Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has been fired by A&E network bigwigs by yielding to pressure from  godless gay groups. It’s all over the news and it is an attack on free speech when he is only expressing his belief during a GQ interview. It shows the true color of Phil’s and his families belief that Jesus is the only way to heaven and homosexuals are evil in God’s eye and will judge them when the time comes just like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Phil will be rewarded for speaking out his true belief and doesn’t care what his punishments are in this Christ-rejecting world. I hope to meet him when we are raptured and say to him, “Well done, my brother, you are truly a great inspiration to all of us.” It shows how the media and Hollywood as well as the world we are living in, waxes worst and worst, deceiving others and themselves. It also shows the true expression of lies the gay groups said in the news, but truly they are the vines that does not bear fruits. Its naked branches are to be thrown to the fire. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

God Bless,

Little David