Lewis Brackett (5 Dec 2013)
"Sudden imminent destruction of America ?"

I believe that like the destruction of Sodom, that the destruction or assimilation of America into the NWO will only happen after we are gone..... Our presence (indwelt by the restraining power of the Holy Spirit) is the ONLY light in our darkening society.  ... Our presence as believing praying Christians  impeeds the NWO's antichrist..
The Church  MUST leave BEFORE the AntiChrist can br revealed and the 7 year tribulation begin...
The evil power mesmerized Europe in the early 20th century.  Around 1920 one of their messiah figures came to America to finalize their triumph... however when he arrived in NYC, He found himself cut off from the demonic power of his masters because of the Holy Spirit indwelling so many Christians...  This demonic  force reigned in Europe and manifested itself in the secret occult society that became the Nazi party...
The rest, as they say, is history.
Lewis B