JMS (30 Dec 2013)
"Re to Janie M, - Daily Grace Inspirations !!!"

Dear sister in Jesus Christ, dont frighten at all, it's not to go fail of, you love the Lord, I could feel it the same time I read your letter on 5 Doves, and for sure the Lord love you and know exactly how to take care of you, so dont frighten, but stand firm in your faith !

In a end-time like this, the evil one try to desturb, yes even destroy us, because of he can see that we believe in, and love Jesus as our great saviour and redeemer, our wonderful victorious hero from Golgatha, who paid for our sin, and gave his life to set us free !

But Jesus also was born again out of the grave, so he could give us a totaly new life in hi's image if we belive and trust in him, because of that is the plan of the Allmighty God, we can read that in f.example Romans 8th, and a lot of other places. Thats why Jesus in Revelation 3:7-13.v. speak so speciel to the believers in the Filadelfia church, and say to them: stand fast, and dont frighten I have opened a door to you, a door no one can shut !

May our great Almighty God clean and protect us all in and under the blood of the chosen Lamb of Hi's, our Lord and love, Jesus Christ ! - ><>  * soon: yes very soon, we are going to see the Lord ...

open the link under here, and read for yourself, and may God bless you and your loved ones. - your brother in Jesus Christ, - Jan Mikael. ><> * soon.