Jim (9 Dec 2013)
"Heavenly Fig Tree"

Greetings Doves, XoX,

Matthew 24:32-34

"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer [is] nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, [even] at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."( KJ version?)

As my mind does, I was wandering around the topics of these days and eschatology and made some connections I want to share.  Like many others I am excited by the teachings concerning the Blood Moons and the Tetrads and such and, while these are certainly scripturally valid markers, in general, it does require caution and discernment as well.  Pastor JD also recently expressed his concern over allowing the topic to become too sensationalistic and the need to be cautious in exploring it and incorporating it into our larger understanding of these times.

So, in pondering the significance of recent and upcoming astronomical events and the absolute precision of G-d’s time clock, I made some connections which I found exciting.  What I will thread together here are the ideas that [1] it will be as it was in the days of Noah and Lot; [2] that the Lord had us focus on the fig tree (Matt 24; 32-34) as His specific example of the pattern of thought to use in this effort; and, [3] the absolute validity and acceptable nature of these discussions and thoughts linking astronomical events and eschatology.  I will be concise, which is not my strength, and trust you to pause and ponder these connections before jumping to any judgements as it is a sizable leap in focus from point to point for such a direct writing without much use of analogies or picures to help draw out the links.  I start with Jesus teaching and admonition to observe the fig tree and go from there.

Note that the fig tree, itself, is refered to as a parable by our Lord.  Why does the fig tree “put forth leaves” each year?  Because the ‘seasons’ dictate that to happen.  What are seasons?  Seasons are the gradual, cyclical change of environmental conditions of temperature, weather and solar conditions caused by the tilt of the earth and the cyclical rotation of the earth around the sun.  What is a likely cause of the earth’s tilt which causes the seasons?  The impact of a 110 mile wide asteroid which resulted in creating the Gulf of Mexico and precipitated the Flood of NOAH ( 8 Super Signs in the Heavens ).

Did you catch that?  The Creator tells us to observe what our observations of the fig tree tell us.  By watching the changes in the fig tree we are led to a higher cause: astronomical, cyclical events which create seasons.  THOSE very astronomical realities are very likely the DIRECT result of astronomic events which precipitated NOAH’s flood.   The fig tree changes in response to astronomical realities which are set. Using that same logical chain, “LIKEWISE, when ye shall see all these things…”

So, one thing which Jesus is, in effect, telling us is to watch the heavens for occurrences such as happen now which create seasons and which were caused by the astronomical events, by His design, which caused the flood of Noah’s day.  More specifically, those events tied to the fig tree, symbolic of Israel.  If we find ourselves exploring comets and Blood Moons upcoming, especially in light of specific prophecies concerning the moon being as blood, and the import these phenom historically have in relation to Israel, as well as possibly witness fiery fallout from ISON such as fell on Sodom in Lot’s day, then we are actually pursuing the specific line of correlation which our Lord directed us to think through.  Wow.