Jan J (9 Dec 2013)
"Re: 2013 -- Poem comments -- Signs of Our King"


My heart is a bit 'burdened' to discuss 2013 and the Rapture:  A few
'pages' back, I had pointed out two postings which referred to 2013 as the year, and finishing with the posting of Jim's which gave a link where Rody Dominique in total sincerity proclaims God has confirmed 2013 as the year of the Rapture.  These 3 postings all on one date has certainly gotten our attention.  Yes, they 'make a statement.'  We must realize, however, that the most sincere and REAL believer in Jesus can be manipulated by the enemy, not knowingly of course.  This being said,
yes.....my spirit and heart still witness to 2013 as fulfillment of what we
earnestly wait for. For some reason, our Lord Jesus is allowing our attention to be on 2013 and He IS preparing us...let's be ready!
Elizabeth - Thank you for the beautiful 'message.'
Gino - I hadn't considered putting the poem to music, nor do I know someone who could set it to music. Glad you enjoyed the poem.
Nicole - Did you notice there were TWO wedding dreams on 12-5 posted? Yours and mine!  This does excite me.
Denise - Thank you. Glad this poem has blessed you and others.
Of all signs Jesus gave His disciples regarding His return, we do indeed see them happening.....on earth, sea, and in the sky. On earth we see
how mankind has fallen into the antichrist mind set, the seas are shifting,
drifting, coughing up dead whales and starfish and Fukushima radiation,
and the skies are proclaiming the soon coming of our King.....cometS,
meteors, blood moons, unusual clouds. If the doves see the prophetic
significance in what was just said, to God be the Glory.
Jan J