GM (9 Dec 2013)
"Frank M re Marrs and Graham"

Frank M re Marrs and Graham


Here is what I think I know.  I have participated in preparation meetings for one of Billy Graham’s Stadium meetings and have supported and watched his ministry.  I have pondered the accusations of his association with the lodge for a while.  Everything I have seen from him supports nothing other than the public proclamation of the simple gospel of Jesus Christ.  “Repent and ask Jesus into your heart and life.”  This seems like God’s work to me.  If Mr. Graham has these other affiliations it does not appear to have compromised the proclamation of truth.


Notice that the attacks on BG are primarily about his associations.  Does this bring someone else to mind?  “Why does he associate with sinners?”  Fear of associations is not a biblical calling.


Here is something I have seen evidence of.  The Masonic system recruits those who are not theirs into their group after they have reached prominence to magnify the appearance of their influence.  This parallels the entry level of the lodge, which accepts Christians and distributes their own printing of the bible.


In any case, I believe we should draw our understanding from fruit rather than associations.  The proclamation of Faith in Jesus over works is what separates biblical Christianity from other religion.

In Christ,