Gino (5 Dec 2013)
"RE: Carol Garza: 11:30:13: advent songs"

That is a very exciting thing, considering both advents together!
Around the world, each year, Christians remember the anticipation of his advent.
They worship, praise the LORD, sing, and proclaim his name.
The closer the day comes, the greater the joy and anticipation.
Soon the joy spreads out into the world.
Countless numbers of people who are still lost are sensing the excitement, and experiencing the joy.
The advent is on everyone's mind and everyone's lips.

Now, regarding the second advent, clearly FiveDoves is filled with anticipation, wonder, and joy.
Oh that others could experience the worship of Jesus, in the joy of anticipation of his soon return.
Imagine services in this advent season, beginning with the first advent.
Then to turn joy and amazement to his second advent.
Hymns and songs, first about his first advent, and then about his second advent.

btw - I was taught that the song, "Joy to the World" was originally written mainly about the second advent.
However, for years it has been sung in worship, meditating on his first advent.
With how many other things, hymns, and songs could worship Jesus, meditating on his second advent?

If the world can be filled with joy, remembering his first advent.
Like in WW1, the fighting ceased for a time, hymns were sung, and gifts were given to the enemy in Jesus' name.
How will the people remember his second advent?
I believe that it will be with far greater joy, wonder and glory.

Carol, thank you for helping me to have such thoughts, by what you wrote,