Gino (30 Dec 2013)
"RE: Frank Molver: 12.24.13: The problem with Obama being the AC now"



            You have got to have a lot of chutzpah to have written that, here.

I’m encouraged by your boldness to go against the opinion of the majority.

Even as Christians, we too often want to only go with the flow.

The President seems to have lost so much of the admiration, yeah, worship, in the world, and here in the US.

As was recently said by Barbara Walters, “We thought that he was going to be – I shouldn’t say this at Christmastime – but the next messiah,”

The interesting word there was “thought”, which is the past tense of think.

It is apparently not something they still think, but only thought, in the past.

Did we end up having to back down over Syria? Did we do nothing over Benghazi?

These things make him look weak in the eyes of the world.

Then on top of that, the whole world finds out that we have been spying, even on our friends.

Now with the Obamacare fiasco, even some in his own party are turning away.

Is it still possible? Sure, with an almost miraculous satanic influence on a grand scale, the world could turn back to worshipping him, again.

However, he seemed to have had so many eating out of his hand, but he lost most of that worship.
