Gerlinda (30 Dec 2013)
"Rene....You hit each point right on the head"

You hit every point right on the head, every last one of them, correctly.  I, too, am sick and tired of these people who put the church where the 12,000 of each tribe of Israel is mentioned.  Oh, they say, this is "Spiritual Israel" but the Bible doesn't say that, does it?  They are named.  And you are very correct that, yes, there are Jews in the church but the church is mostly gentiles.  Then, finally, Israel's eyes will be opened when her best friend is gone and she faces her time of Jacob's Trouble all by herself.  That is what it will take for Israel to put aside her haughtiness in thinking she can be like the other nations and when that doesn't work, she still thinks she can take care of herself but she cannot and needs to open her eyes to the fact that Yeshua HaMashiach was truly her Messiah after all.  " For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."  Matthew 24:39 KJV
This is speaking to Israel, isn't it....not the Church.
Thank You for a very well written article.