Gavinti (20 Dec 2013)
"Dr Ouwar - Message and Warning to Australia - 18 December 2014"

Hi Doves,

I thought I would share with you to notes out of today's conference meeting with Dr Ouwar as a precursor to the video which will be posted soon. Please forgive my rudimentary notes, I tried to capture these as he spoke.  Do not determine doctrine by my crude notes but rather seek the Holy Spirit and search the Word to confirm this to your heart.

Below are my notes:

Message to Australia - 18 December 2014


Dr Ouwar

This is the hour. Of the Church, His soon return.

 God is saying at this hour He has come to clean up worship in the Church.  In numbers 9:15 when the cloud came, the presence of God and that there was obedience in the house of Jacob.  The hour has come for obedience to Him, the house of the Lord has become holy.

The rapture of the church and how it will take place.

Book of Thessalonians 4: 16 & 17 defines the Rapture of the Church.  

1. The voice of The Lord
2. The Trumpet
3. The shout of the Archangel
4. The dead in Christ will rise first
5. Then we will be taken up

Vision of the Wedding Rings, from book of Revelation 14 in v. 6 clean linen for the Church to wear.  Have finest linen, bright and clean as the garments. We are preparing our garments today, that's why the Prophet is here to announce this.  

Consequences of today is that if you prepare yourself today, then you will be prepared.  There are two churches, the 5 foolish virgins and the 5 true wise church.  The foolish went to the world to buy oil and came back with burning oil, so will there be 2 types of oil burning in the last days? Which is the true and which is the counterfeit?The old will bring false words to the church.

I was give dreams in May about the Church and the rapture, they are on the web, namely May 4, May 5 and May 7.

The role of this glory.

In 2005, Nov 25 in Kenya at  5am The Lord gave me a vision of the Rapture.  The Lord lifted me up above the earth, a massive earthquake happened  only later I realized this was not an earthquake was the glory of The Lord hitting the earth, and people in their glorious bodies were coming out of their graves the glory over the earth was mixed with dust.  Although I could see them clearly, and I saw them meet in heaven the glory of The Lord.

Then The Lord spoke and said the majority have remained in the dust of the earth.  This same vision was shared with Daniel.  I also saw The Ark of The Covenant of The Lord, on one side was Moses (he has blue stripes on his garment), and on the other was Elijah and on the other Daniel also.  Over time I have understood the Daniel events that have been shown to him.  

When Daniel was given events of the rapture of the Dead rising first, I saw two resurrections.  Daniel 12 v1 - 12. A time of distress will take place, but everyone whose name is written in The Book will be delivered.  Those that sleep will awake some for everlasting life others for shame and contempt.  Those that are wise will have eternal life, note here there are two resurrections but at different timelines. one group raptured and the other for judgement.  Then amongst those who are rapture there too are two groups, the wise and those that led many to righteousness - these are brighter than those that were wise.

The elect called My People, there are 2 sub groups in the rapture, the Wise and those that led many to Righteousness.  There is a time gap between the first (rapture) resurrection of the Church and the 2nd resurrection for judgement. Who are these people who enter, they are those who are wise and those who led those to righteousness.

Let's explore these two groups in detail;

1. The Wise:

V4, Daniel is commanded to close the scroll and seal the Word till the end when it will be opened.  The scroll has seals, Daniel is told to seal the scrolls (dr Ouwar says he has met Daniel).  Daniel seals the prophetic timeline (Daniel was called out because he separated himself out and therefore was give an immense ministry and calling).  Only the Lamb can open the seals, but Daniel has sealed these.

Book of Job 28: 20 the Wise

The fear of The Lord is Wisdom, shunning evil is wise. The Church that lived in the fear of The Lord. So if we want to be in the elect then we need to have fear of The Lord (this is wisdom).  

1. Have you lived in the wisdom (Fear of The Lord) since your salvation, the         
    manifestation of the gospel in your life?
2. Does the clothing in the people of the Church constitute the Fear of The Lord?
    Does the smoking and drinking constitute the fear of The Lord in the church?  
    Does the lying and immorality constitute the fear of The Lord I today's Church?
    Does the piercing of the men's ears constitute the fear of The Lord in  
    the Church?

2. Those that lead many to Righteousness:

In a vision of The Lord, when the glory of The Lord hit the ground it became white as snow on May 4th the next day May 5, heaven opened and the glory hit the ground like brightest snow and became so glorious that it hurt the eyes and when looking at the glory it lifted the same tornado/cloud of The Lord until it touched heaven.  As the tornado lifted peoples bodies were lifted in the cloud/tornado as it lifted to heaven. They were taken up in a cloud.

One day I will tell people this is what I meant, this is what I was talking about and kept telling you stay out of churches that have brought the world into the Church with dancing and in worldliness.  

I want to now look at those called My People and then The Book in Daniel's vision.

Who are these People that He calls them His People? If those who are wise enter and those who lead many to righteousness, then have you lead people to the righteousness of The Lord?  Remember those that are taken that have lead many to the righteousness of The Lord are brighter than the wise.  Has the Church in her practice lead many to the righteousness of The Lord?

Since you have become a Pastor have you lead your people to the righteousness of The Lord?
What is holding you back, what is keeping you from allowing the Church to be lead to righteousness?  
Will you as a Pastor stop the false prophecy in your Church, are you are allowing false prophecy in your church?

I tell the truth. I have not as yet had to sleep at the public toilets with a blanket, He has always provided, no matter the cost.  We often are looking for comfort and allow unrighteousness to take root in the church to appease the enemy.  

2 Corinthians 6:14

Do not be yoked with unbelievers.  

There is a special people called the elect of God, these are My People. Pastors are you preparing a people unto The Lord?

These people that Daniel saw is a separated Church, does not mix light with darkness.  This screams out a question to Sydney, Melbourne. And Perth, is this really My People church?  How will you know? You cannot mix light with darkness.  Light plus darkness always equals darkness, it cannot be mixed. Looking at the Church in Australia there is a spiritual tragedy, the church has mixed the two.  Daniel saw the people entering heaven as a separated people not mixed with light and darkness.

You are worshipping good roads, good hospitals, good doctors remember in the wilderness there were no dentists, they relied on The Lord.  The modernism of Australia has crept into the Church, there is no crying out to The Lord everything has become easy, your children do not know how to cry in tears to The Lord because of lack, there is no depend any upon The Lord. What fellowship is there with The Lord and your ease of life is this not darkness, does this draw you to Him?

Characteristics of a "My People" Church - in the garden of Eden (paradise), paradise is now in heaven the highest state of blessedness which is in heaven.  If The Lord called the a Garden paradise The Lord intended that death would not be part of the equation. In that garden was the Tree of Life, death was not factored in the blueprint as they worshipped in obedience and therefore would never see death.  So death had no room and to worship in holiness and then would have eternal life.  Until genesis 3, the fall comes then death becomes part of the equation but genesis 3:8 man used to walk with God on a daily basis, they obey so death was not able to overcome.  The original plan was for man to walk with God as the cloud has now come for God to walk with man again. (Reference here the recent cloud that manifested God's presence at Dr Ouwar's meetings). However obedience is required as part of the original plan for the Church.  The cherubs that protected the garden is the same as those that protect the bema seat, the throne of God was in the garden.  I have seen the Cherubs, it should be known that they have different ministries, but this is for another time.

Genesis 5:24

Enoch walked with God and was no more. 300 years he walked with God, he was raptured he did not see death.  This is the original plan for the Church, see the consequences of apostasy.  Hebrew 11:5. By faith Enoch was taken and did not experience death, as he pleased God.  V6 without faith it is impossible to please God.  The fuel that separates Enoch from Adam with God is Faithfulness, he continued to seek God.  He chased after God, he sought God until God said enough - come up here.  Like the Church to seek God, seek Him, seek Him, seek Him so he will take you up.  All others lived and died, they lived and died but not Enoch, and those that now seek Him and search for Him will live and NOT DIE you will be raptured!  You will be restored to your original Enoch stature, not the Adam stature.  You will have put on the "Enoch" separated garment of righteousness and remove the false garment of Adam for which man was cursed.  Put on your garment of the rapture and seek Him.  Enoch sees the end coming.  Daniel sees the Kings food and rejects this (the world) and he says but in Jerusalem we never ate this food as we were never raised in this food.  Our identities will not allow us to be defiled in this way.  He separated himself in the hour that mattered.  The Israelites followed the cloud of The Lord, we now have the opportunity to follow the cloud as the Israelites did, as the church to be separated.

 These will be days of restoration and days of revival.  Beware of Church as motivational speaking and fleshly encouragement and corruption takes hold within.  Need to maintain the integrity of the pulpit, many of you are being deceived.  Today the pulpit has lost its integrity.  The Lord now says the opportunity has availed itself to now walk with God until she will enter.

The Golden clock, when I saw the timeline in heaven.  It is running right now, I see the timeline intervals.

When the church was restored at Calvary there safe guards have been given to the church that warn about the abuse of Grace in this hour.  God came to restore Adam and Eve at the cross, but if the church does not take this opportunity this will be a  tragedy as He will never return to the cross and be crucified again.  The life of God in heaven will now flow into the church with the open heaven/door - Ezekiel 37. This year I saw the river in a dream, I saw ministries swimming against the river, this caused me great fear these decided to go against Gods current and they all drowned. The majority if ministries in Australia are attempting to row against the current flow of God, but a tsunami current is coming against them.  I have seen the drowning and the inhabitants therein, ask yourself for the church you are in now, are you in the flow of the river if God in your church or is your church going against the flow of God?  Those will drown, this is the prophecy I bring to you today, this is the word I bring to Australia today.  Take heed of this prophecy to this nation.  When dreams and visions come with the wisdom of God, heed them as this is fulfillment of Joel, these clean out the falsehood of the Church and to establish the truth in the Church.

2 Thessalonians 2:7

Lawlessness is already at work, but there is One who holds it back till He is taken away.

The Lord says the spirit of antichrist is already here but the person of the AC will only be revealed once He is taken away.  This is the a Holy Spirit, 2 Corinthians 6:16  - 19 your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, thus the AC cannot be revealed yet until the Holy Spirit is taken out of the earth, but when the rapture takes place then the AC will be revealed.

I do not subscribe to mid or post tribulation, people we are out of time!!  This is doctrine, hear what the spirit is telling us.

Tonight I will deal with The Clock of God.

Dove, I will post this message of notes after I have been tonight.

In Him

(Silver Hawk)