Frank Molver (30 Dec 2013)
"Janie re youtube prophets, the sincere and the dubious"
Thanks for bringing that up, it is important thing to learn.
The first prophetic word I was ever given was Amos 5:4
It kind of goes like this in my interpretation
Seek me and live5 But seek not Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, and pass not to Beersheba: for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, and Bethel shall come to nought.
Meaning is, we are responsible for seeking the Lord out ourselves, we can not rely on someone else to do that for us
So many of us kind of rely on others to sort of let God do the talking to
We can't just go to church and read stuff on the internet
We can't rely on past experiences, or some past commitments
God wants a personal relationship with him from each of us
then we don't need to go fishing for what he is saying
Lots of fish traps out there
Maybe it would be good for the internet to go down for a while
In fact I think it will just before the real trial begins
There are many sincere videos out there
Many claim that God told them that there would be a rapture at such and such date. We here are kind of jaded to that having heard the same thing annually for many years, though some of us perpetuate the latest revelation, video's charts and all.
And yes, there are some fakes and ones who have ulterior motives other then ego. Kind of like Balam, that spirit is still around
Are there true prophets, I think so. God said that prophecy will not cease until we get there. But of course we have to be careful and use our discernment like you already have done
Don't lose your confidence by what some one else says
Things may get real difficult but He will help you make it thru
There is a rapture but we may have to go thru some tough times for a while.